
Facility Location
The Octagon, Dunedin, 9016
Facility Contact Phone
03 477 4000
Facility Contact Name
Parks Booking team
Upper Octagon
Upper Octagon
Upper Octagon
Octagon - Carriageway
Octagon - Carriageway
Octagon - Carriageway
Octagon - Upper Area
Octagon - Upper Area
Octagon - Upper Area
Buskers Area
Buskers Area
Buskers Area
Octagon - Bandstand (MacMillan Stage)
Octagon - Bandstand (MacMillan Stage)
Octagon - Bandstand (MacMillan Stage)
Whole Octagon
Whole Octagon
Whole Octagon
Octagon- Lower Area
Octagon- Lower Area
Octagon- Lower Area


The Octagon is in CBD of Dunedin and has several cafes, restaurants and shops. Access to public toilets are available down Municipal Lane.


  • Commercial Activity: $584.80 per day
  • Community Activity: Free of charge
  • Lowering and Raising of Octagon Bollards: $32.00
  • Public: Free of charge
  • Single For-Profit Stalls: $75.10 Per day


  • Picnic area
  • Power
  • Stage
  • Water

Available for Bookings:

  • This is the area located down George Street, in between the Lower and Upper Octagon. This is on the side of the road closer to the Lower Octagon. Any activity causing disruption to vehicles or pedestrian will require a Traffic Management Plan. Access to public toilets are available down Municipal Lane.
  • Grassed area between the Robbie Burns statue and George Street. There are 3 access points to electricity in this area.


    • Power: Single or Three Phased power available
  • Space available for busking. Street performance permit required. No amplification permitted. Max 1 hour.
  • The MacMillan Stage is located upper octagon and is the paved area with the red covering. Space available for busking. Street performance permit required. No amplification permitted for busking.
  • All bookable spaces within the Octagon, normally only booked for major events. Any activity causing disruption to vehicles or pedestrian will require a Traffic Management Plan. Access to public toilets are available down Municipal Lane.
  • This is the paved area in the lower half of the Octagon and contains 2 fountains. There is a total of 8 access points to electricity in this area as well as 1 tap for water access.


    • Power: Single or Three Phased power available

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